About Us
Let's make shopping PERSONAL
The products on our eStore are not cheap, we all know it, but they work.
We are not the only place you can get these products, yes, we know it.
But you can count on us:
to ALWAYS give you 100% authentic products,
to ALWAYS offer products with long expiry,
to ALWAYS answer your call (within office hours, of course).
This is who PrettyHealthy.SG is, the eStore that carries quality products,
the one that gives you a personal & pleasant shopping experience, every time you shop with us.

Why should you TRUST us?
We are the official online retailer for all the products we carry, don’t believe us? Simply ask the brand owners, don’t (just) take our words, take theirs (too).
We get our stocks directly from the brands’ warehouse since day 1 (to make it precise, that was 11 November, 2014).

Why should you SHOP with us?
Still not sure?
@ +65 9771 6543 on any queries you have.